SCANN continues to Operate Two Hot Kitchens ( at Ronda Slums site and SCANN Center site).

Since inception in 2020, the Two Hot Kitchens continue to provide free hot meals every evening to thousands of less fortunate members of our society residing in Slums of Bondeni and Ronda.

The two Hot Kitchens were located to target the most needy who can barely afford one meal in a day. These families wait patiently and peacefully in line every evening for the doors to open at 5.00 p.m. They proceed to wash their hands, register their names and receive a hot Meal which they partake while seated in neatly organized tables.

SCANN presently serves over 1,300 meals each evening Free Of Charge.

In total, the Two Hot Kitchens have serves over 1,300,000 meals since they were established in 2020.

Much Appreciations to Donors, Sponsors, Friends and Well-wishers for continuing to provide meals to hundreds of needy families who would otherwise be sleeping hungry due to lack of income.