SCANN continues to Operate Two Hot Kitchens ( at Ronda Slums site and SCANN Center site).

Since inception in 2020, the Two Hot Kitchens continue to provide free hot meals every evening to thousands of less fortunate members of our society residing in Slums of Bondeni and Ronda.

The two Hot Kitchens were located to target the most needy who can barely afford one meal in a day. These families wait patiently and peacefully in line every evening for the doors to open at 5.00 p.m. They proceed to wash their hands, register their names and receive a hot Meal which they partake while seated in neatly organized tables.

SCANN presently serves over 1,300 meals each evening Free Of Charge.

In total, the Two Hot Kitchens have serves over 1,300,000 meals since they were established in 2020.

Much Appreciations to Donors, Sponsors, Friends and Well-wishers for continuing to provide meals to hundreds of needy families who would otherwise be sleeping hungry due to lack of income.



Thank you for the many years that you have been supporting me with all my needs; Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Most Importantly Education without giving up. I have never lacked anything for all the 15 years that I was in SCANN. I remember joining SCANN as a young boy with only a dream but SCANN made it possible for me to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. All this would not have been possible if it was not for your endless support. I will forever be grateful for what you did to me because I know that there is no way that I can ever repay you for what you did. I pray that I will be blessed in future so that I can give back to society in helping the needy just as you did to me and maybe even join hands with SCANN to take it to another level. May God bless you for the good work that you have always done and add you more so that you can keep up helping the needy.” David Kanyingi.

David joined SCANN in 2007 at the age of 13 Years. Following demise of his abusive father in 2001, David was living with his single mother and 2 siblings. The father was a drunkard and used to Physically abuse David, his mother and his siblings. The single mother was not able to adequately care for David and his siblings after the death of David’s father. Hence, David ended up in the Streets of Nakuru. David was found on the streets by a SCANN volunteer and following interviews by the Trustees, he was admitted to SCANN.

David found the desired security, shelter, food, clothing, healthcare and most importantly Education. He lived in harmony with all the other boys and joined extracurricular activities like football and karate. Above all, David worked hard in his academics and scored a mean grade of B+ in K.C.S.E in 2014. He then joined Egerton University in 2015 to pursue bachelor of medicine and surgery. SCANN fully sponsored David for all his needs for over 15 years since his admission to the center.

David graduated with a degree in medicine and surgery on 10th February 2023. He is currently undertaking his Internship Program as a Doctor at Trans Nzoia County Referral Hospital.

SCANN congratulates and wishes David the best of luck in his future endeavors.


“My sincere gratitude and thanks giving  for an awesome support for the time I spent at S.C.A.N.N.  To be honest I have spent  few days figuring out what I can write that can be congruent with all the wonderful memories that I have created with my brothers and all the support I have received  at S.C.A.N.N., but it’s overwhelming what you have done to my life. I can’t even explain it in words only ” sometimes I will need to use my tears also for the story to be complete “.  These are the words of John Nyoike.

John joined SCANN in 2007 following the 2007/2008 post-election violence when many including himself, found themselves displaced.  He separated with his mother and two siblings in the process of escape.  With the help of one of the Red cross trucks John found himself in Nakuru show ground in a camp.  H decided to run to the streets of Nakuru to look for food and a place to sleep, in the verandahs.  “Believe me when I say it was rough out there, the street is unwelcoming, no food, no clothes and brutal older boys and men, but all the same John had to stay because he had no option.

“One day came, I call it a ” Red- Letter day” when a person approached me and posed a question” do you want to be educated and become somebody in the society?” I think he was an angel from heaven”.   And that is how John ended up at SCANN, where he met other boys “enjoying life like they own it. The environment felt peaceful.”

When talking about SCANN, John calls it “a small heaven”,  where everything he could ever wish for ….food, shelter, clothes, security, health care, education and everything else was handy.  “It was surely a miracle, a golden opportunity.” Says John.

A Kenyan with a heart of gold, Mr. Shamsher Gilani, thank you for the emphasis you make about the importance of Education.

John started learning at SCANN Centre classes before joining Public Primary School.  He scored 279 marks in K.C.P.E.

“There is no day that food, school fees, uniform or any learning requirement was not provided for me.  This kept me thinking about the management of this project (there must be dedication and diligence and hard work put for the project to be stable) sure the is”.

John continues to say “But as – Marcus Aurelius says “a man then must stand erect and not be kept erect by others.  Despite the good things I ever received, Education was personal and self-driven, I had to sacrifice my time and energy to learn and understand.  Thanks to SCANN for providing us with reliable qualified part time teachers who helped us a lot along the way .

John finished K.C.S.E. exam and managed to get a grade of B-.  He pursued a Degree in Bachelor of Science, Nursing, at Egerton University.  “This was a big deal for me because I was to have a personal bank account and would go and leave at the university alone.  This was a life changer, thanks to SCANN for making it a reality and believing in me.  Right now I have finished my University Education and I am a proud Graduate, thanks to SCANN.”

Sincere appreciation

“Special thanks goes to the chairman Mr. Shamsher Gilani, Board of Trustees, Sponsors, Donors and Well-wishers.  I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the chairman and the Queen ( Avni), for the profitless efforts, his enthusiasm, diligent, hard work ,dedication, name them, the list is long, thanks for picking me from the streets and thanks for being the lion and eagle ( I give you both their great qualities because you deserve them) for making sure this project is alive and kicking for Years.

I remember you always told me to work hard with dedication and honesty, I promise I won’t forget that, may you live long, we need you, your children need you…..THANK YOU, Mr. Shamsher Gilani, MAY GOD BLESS YOU.

I also extend my appreciation to Trustee Puri, Trustee  Judy, Rotarian Wahome and everyone I haven’t mentioned. THANK YOU for your guidance and advise along the way and if I was ever indiscipline please pardon me.

Thank you to all the Sponsors and Donors for making this project a success.  May God bless you.

After finishing my education before joining internship I was granted an opportunity to present a report on COVID 19 at SCANN  Annual Genaral Meeting and also become a Manager at a new SCANN project started in July 16th 2020 ( SCANN HOT KITCHEN). I want to admit that this was a milestone for me and special thanks for believing in me and I really did my best.  The bond and connection I made with them was unbreakable, thanks Trustee Judy for your guidance during my reign in this project.  I was even featured on TV, I was so happy.  I really enjoyed working with you, you are the best, honestly.

My appreciation goes to my brothers and all the subordinates working at SCANN.  This is a team work, no one can make it alone.  Thank you all for your help, I will be always a SCANN boy .

I can write on and on because the experience was massive and wonderful, it’s hard to get someone who can commit himself to your success and asking nothing in return. I think this can be unbelievable for some people but thank you SCANN for showing the World that it’s possible, that there is always hope, love and kindness, even in the hard World we live in where people always think of themselves, which challenges me in person to be a giver in future because I grew up in someone’s hands which I can’t forget.

Thank you everyone who took part in my success.  (We did it guys).

To my brothers who are  still at SCANN, work hard.  Believe me when I tell you this is a Golden Opportunity.  You must have a strong will power to be disciplined enough and ability to choose between  what you need now and what you really need the most, to know that you must sacrifice now for a greater and better future, the ball is in your court, it’s possible.

Education is key.

Thank you very much SCANN for having me all that time I don’t take it for granted ,God bless you abundantly.




  • SCANN is dedicated to alleviating the plight of street children by rehabilitating and giving them holistic care up to adulthood, with the ultimate aim of transforming them into productive members of the society.
  • SCANN is also dedicated to feeding needy populations in Nakuru and its environs, by operating the Two Hot Kitchens (at Ronda Slums site & SCANN Center site), where hot meals are served to any needy person free of charge, every evening.
  • In accordance with our reviewed Trust Deed of 2022, SCANN diversifies its charity work towards outreach and socio-economic empowerment of needy communities and schools across Nakuru and the neighboring counties; by providing furniture, school uniforms, educational materials to needy schools alongside the provision of medical care, food, clothing and other subsistence to needy communities. This mission orients to the government’s new policy on the need to sustain children within their family units, with the aim of preventing them from ending up in the streets.

SCANN is a not for profit orphanage

SCANN’s ultimate mission is successfully run itself out of business.  In the meantime, there are still plenty of children in Kenya that need your help!

SCANN is a not for profit orphanage that rescues children from the streets of Kenya to rehabilitate, educate and raise them as part of our family.  Our goal is to turn these children, the poorest of the poor, into independent, contributive members of society.  Through donations, child sponsorships and our volunteers, SCANN works to provide the tools, skills and opportunities necessary to help these children become successful.  Most importantly, SCANN does this with zero administrative costs.  As a result, every dollar donated goes directly towards projects that impact our children.

SCANN currently cares for about 150 children, aged between 2 years and 20 years.  We have found employment for most SCANN alumni and have helped put Xx children through colleges and universitie).  However, we still have plenty of work to do.  SCANN would like to make a greater impact on the children that we have.  Moreover, there are still plenty of children that need our help.  That’s where you come in.

SCANN and our children would be so grateful for any help you can offer.  Through child sponsorships, donations or most valuable, your time, please help SCANN achieve its ultimate mission!

SCANN currently cares for about 150 children

SCANN’s ultimate mission is successfully run itself out of business.  In the meantime, there are still plenty of children in Kenya that need your help!

SCANN is a not for profit orphanage that rescues children from the streets of Kenya to rehabilitate, educate and raise them as part of our family.  Our goal is to turn these children, the poorest of the poor, into independent, contributive members of society.  Through donations, child sponsorships and our volunteers, SCANN works to provide the tools, skills and opportunities necessary to help these children become successful.  Most importantly, SCANN does this with zero administrative costs.  As a result, every dollar donated goes directly towards projects that impact our children.

SCANN currently cares for about 150 children, aged between 2 years and 20 years.  We have found employment for most SCANN alumni and have helped put Xx children through colleges and universities.  However, we still have plenty of work to do.  SCANN would like to make a greater impact on the children that we have.  Moreover, there are still plenty of children that need our help.  That’s where you come in.

SCANN and our children would be so grateful for any help you can offer.  Through child sponsorships, donations or most valuable, your time, please help SCANN achieve its ultimate mission!